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Subproject Locations
Most of the Hyde development is done in the monorepo found on GitHub in the HydePHP/Develop repository. Here are quick links to take you to the subprojects within.
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This section is written for those who are interested in contributing to the HydePHP Framework.
If you are looking to build an application using Hyde, you might be looking for the official documentation.
How HydePHP is Structured
HydePHP consists of a few core components, and development is done in a monorepo.
This means that when contributing to the code, we submit the code to a single "mono" repository where the code is automatically split into separate read-only repositories for each component.
The two most important components are Hyde and Framework. We also use HydeFront for frontend assets.
Here is a quick overview of the components. Keep on reading to learn more about the repositories.
Name: | Hyde | Framework | HydeFront |
Repository: | hydephp/hyde | hydephp/framework | hydephp/hydefront |
Package: | hyde/hyde | hyde/framework | hydefront |
Monorepo path: | Root directory | packages/framework | packages/hydefront |
Hyde/Hyde - The HydePHP Project
The Hyde package is what the end-user sees and interacts with. When creating a new HydePHP site, this is done using the Hyde project. The package contains all the necessary files to run a HydePHP site and bootstraps the entire system. Equivalent to Laravel/Laravel
Hyde/Framework - The Core Framework
The Framework package holds most of the logic of the Hyde framework. This is where all the data models, static site generators, HydeCLI commands, Blade views, and more, are stored. Having this in a package makes it much easier to version and update using Composer. Equivalent to Laravel/Framework
Hyde/HydeFront - The Frontend Assets
The HydeFront package contains stylesheets and scripts to help make HydePHP sites accessible and interactive. It also includes a pre-compiled TailwindCSS file containing all the styles needed for the built-in Blade templates.